Sunday, February 16, 2014
KK4DIV/p RaDAR report 2/16/2014
It was another beautiful day here in NW Florida, so I packed up the RaDAR gear in the backpack and headed to the woods. I operated from 3 locations, my main goals being to map out a route for possible future RaDAR contests, check distances traveled between points, and practice my "rapid deployment" and breakdown of my station. I decided to forgo my usual comforts of a small table and chair in favor of ultra portability.
My total distance hiked was 2.3km, which is a bit shy of what I would need to operate 3 locations (needing 1km between operating points), but like I said, my goal was to measure distances and practice setup. So, after today's operations, I do have a pretty good idea of distances and can finalize my route on the next excursion.
I made 3 contacts, one from each operating location, and were as follows:
20 meters on 14.300.0, the Maritime Mobile Service Net, I checked in with W0WFH in Missouri.
17 Meters on 18.140.0 I heard W1AW/p-6 calling from California. Got a 59 signal report and he was a strong 59 as well.
20 meters on 14.300.0, another check in with the Maritime Mobile Service Net. This time net control was WA5CNB in Texas.
I had a great time today, getting out and hiking in the woods. It is always nice to get away into a peaceful environment such as this. It was great exercise, and great practice for the upcoming RaDAR event in April.
73, all and hope to catch you on the air.
de Bob KK4DIV
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RaDAR Rally Report from Nov. 4, 2023
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Very good Bob, looks like you had a great day! Your lightweight and compact setup really is just the job for carting about for the contest. I was out testing my bits yesterday too, we had a beautiful day here as well. Catch up soon, 73 de Lucy M6ECG :)