? ... This will list the commands
BBS ... This command will allow the user access into the Bulletin Board System. With the Bulletin Board System, you can send and receive messages, read bulletins from around the world, pass NTS traffic, etc.
CHAT ... This command will allow the user access to the chat server. Often these are linked with other nodes so you can chat with people outside the local area.
RMS ... This will allow the user command line access to the winlink server. It is tricky to access, and will get it's own write-up.
SYSOP ... This will "ring" the sysops computer, open up a chat window on their computer, and allow the user to chat directly with the sysop.
CONNECT ... Will allow the user to connect to other nodes on the "nodes" list or to other stations on the "mheard" list.
BYE ... Will disconnect the user from the node
INFO ... Will display information about the node.
NODES ... Lists the other nodes that the node the user is connected to has heard and has communications with.
PORTS ... List available ports on the node such as the VHF port, HF port, etc.
ROUTES ... Lists direct routes to other nodes usually directly connected via AXIP or VHF packet.
USERS ... lists people currently connected to the node.
MHEARD ... Lists the last seen stations on any given port. For example, MHEARD 3 lists the last seen stations on port 3 (in the case of the KK4DIV-7 node, port 3 is the VHF port).
I have 3 different ports available to use
Port 1 is the AXIP port that links my station to several others around the country.
Port 3 is the 2 meter port on 145.050 MHz.
Port 4 is the HF packet port.
This is a fairly robust packet node for our area and I am always looking to grow further. If you are interested in packet and/or have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.
If you run a packet station and are interested in setting up a link and forwarding, please shoot me a message. You can contact me on packet KK4DIV@KK4DIV.#NWFL.FL.US.NOAM or you may send me a Winlink message KK4DIV@winlink.org. You can also use the contact form on the right sidebar of this webpage.
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